ISBN : 9781409324911
Barcode : 9781409324911
Author : -
Category : BUDDISM
Language : ENGLISH
Size(WxH) :
Weight : 1.50 Kg
Binding : HARDBACK
Number of pages : -
Publication Date : 01/08/2013
Copyrights Year : -
Source : Asiabooks
Price : THB 750.00
Synopsis : This
is an innovative and accessible guide to the world's religions. The
Religions Book clearly explains the key concepts behind the earliest
religious beliefs right up to the world's newest faiths, getting to the
heart of what it means to believe. Principles of the five main world
religions - Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam - as
well as ancient and primal belief systems are explored in this
informative tome. All the big ideas are simply explained with
jargon-free descriptions, step-by-step diagrams, and witty illustrations
that encapsulate every aspect of religious thinking. It examines major
historical developments and ideas with a universal timeline, providing a
global perspective on the origins and major events that have
contributed to the growth and spread of religion and spirituality. Along
with the teaching highlights of pre-eminent figures such as Mahatma
Gandhi, Saint Paul, and Al-Ghazali, you'll also find a handy reference
section featuring a glossary of religious terms and a roadmap to all the
branches of the major faiths and the points of doctrine or tradition on
which they differ. Modern alternative religions and spiritual beliefs
from around the world are also explored, putting into context the
political and social climates from which they emerged. The Religions
Book provides compelling, accessible information perfect for students of
religious study or anyone interested in the ideas of ancient and
present day faiths and religious philosophies.
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